Implementation of the oriented wavelet transform for image compression. These binaries use code from the libit library ( The programs provided herein are for scientific use only. Commercial use of this software, in particular, is prohibited without authorization from the author. This software is provided in the hope that they will be useful, and without any warranty of any kind. Part of this software contains code from the libit library which is provided here under the same licence by the authors. All other uses of this library are otherwise covered by the LGPL. Encoding: ========= ./owavelet_encoder image.pgm image.cmp levels target_rate [lambda] Encodes the PGM image 'image.pgm' to the compressed file 'image.cmp' using an oriented wavelet transform on 'level' levels. The target rate is given in bits per pixel. An optional lambda parameter can be specified to encode the map for a fixed slope, which allows using the same map at all rates. Decoding: ========= ./owavelet_decoder image.cmp image.pgm [map.pgm] Decodes the compressed file 'image.cmp' to the PGM image file 'image.pgm'. Optionnally, the orientation map can be output. Codec: ====== ./owavelet_codec image.pgm map.pgm levels target_rate [lambda] This does encoding and decoding of the 'image.pgm' PGM image and computes the rate-distorsion performance. The orientation map is output in 'map.pgm'. Other parameters are similar to the encoder.